Happy New Year everyone! It is hard to believe it is 2018.  Doesn’t it seem like just yesterday when we were all worried about the whole Y2K issue?  Or am I simply aging myself with that question?  The year certainly came in with quite a cold snap so I hope no one is having any issues with that!  I just spent my New Year’s Day tucked away watching football…I expect some of us were more pleased with the outcomes of the day than others…

Beyond all of that, there is no real “new” news this week so this will mostly be reminders…

Nomination for 2018 Officers and Board Have Been Posted

As I have mentioned last week, the nominating committee (composed of Dick Peshkin, Michelle Berstein and Shelley Wolf) has provided us with a slate of Officers and Directors for 2018. Please find the time to thank them for their efforts in lining up individuals who are willing to serve on the Board!  The nomination are provided here and they have also been posted on the bulletin board at the Temple:

  • President – Ken Wolf
  • Vice President – Sybil Abroms
  • Secretary – Eugene (Buddy) Bernstein
  • Treasurer – Marty Abroms
  • Director (completing the 2nd year of a 2-year term) – Nancy Opler
  • Director (for a 2 year term) – Alvin Rosenbaum
  • Past President – Traci Welch

If you wish to make other nomitations, as is provided for in the Temple Bylaws, please feel free to do so no later than midnight this coming Saturday (1/06/18). Article III, Section 1,B.(2) of the Temple Bylaws state the rules for subsequent nominations as:

For the purpose of adding names to those selected by the nominating committee, nominations will remain open until fourteen days prior to the Annual Meeting date during which time, any additonal nominations for Officers and members of the Board of Directors may be offered in writing to the President by no fewer than three Members.

 Annual Congregational Meeting – January 21

Our annual congregational meeting will be held on Sunday, Janauray 21 at 10:00am. As always, we will hold the meeting in the Temple sancuary and I hope that everyone will do their best to join us!  This is the best time for you to share your ideas for the future of our Temple and it is important for you to be there to vote on a proposed amendment to the Constitution as well as the proposed slate of officers.  On Sunday (12/31/17) all congregants should have received an email from me that included: 1) the meeting agenda; 2) the proposed Bylaws amendment; and 3) the minutes for the 2017 annual meeting.  If you did NOT receive this email, please let me know asap and I will forward a copy of it to you.

 Service Schedule

The service schedule for for Janaury is:

  • January 5 – Rabbi Nancy
  • January 12 – Buddy Bernstein
  • January 19 – Rabbi Nancy
  • January 26 – Rabbi Nancy

As always, congregants and members of the Shoals community, at large, are invited to attend the weekly Torah Study session which is held each Saturday morning at 9:30, at the Temple.

 Reminder items:

  • Deadline for Board nominations – Saturday, January 6, midnight
  • Soup Kitchen – Saturday, January 20, please have donations at the Temple no later than 9:30am
  • Annual Meeting – Sunday, January 21, 10:00am at the Temple

If you are aware of something in the community that you would like me to draw some attention to in my message, please let me know! And, as always, if you have any announcements you would like for me to share with our membership, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.

I hope everyone has a fabulous week and I will see you Friday night. Stay warm!


Traci Welch
